Fast 50: Dismas Distribution Services

The article was initially published by Laura Newpoff in Columbus Business First.

Bob Parsons, partner, Dismas Distribution Services (No. 28)

Your company is experiencing red-hot revenue growth. How will you keep from flaming out? Listening to our customers is, and always will be, our top priority. In the retail logistics hub that is Central Ohio, we are continually striving to understand the concerns and business needs of our customers and anticipate what the future holds. As the retail and apparel industries experience rapid change, we’re committed to adapting to new demands, processes and technologies. It was this commitment that prompted us to move into a new 60,000-square-foot space in March. Our flexible facility has allowed us to accommodate larger, more complex projects and expand our sewing and e-commerce capabilities in response to customer demand. Internally, we are continuing to build on our strong management team and are committed to making Dismas one of the best places to work in Central Ohio for our employees.

Tell us about the one decision you have made for your business over the past few years that has been the most critical to its growth: When I came to Dismas, I wanted to ensure that our growth was not just rapid, but also smart. I brought my board together and created a three-year strategic plan to prepare for the company’s future and outline action items to help achieve our goals. Since then, we have zeroed in on our retail and apparel niche and have outgrown our space three times in response to customer demand. We’ve brought on a chief operating officer to support growth, as outlined in the plan, and have expanded key services such as sewing and e-commerce with the ability to process units at a high speed using advanced label processing and printers.

What about your company keeps you awake at night? There was a time when concerns about staffing, space and resources kept me up at night. Since implementing our strategic plan, expanding our physical space and growing our staff and leadership team, those day-to-day operational issues are no longer a concern. Our main focus now is to continue on this growth path and change with our customers by focusing on speed, scalability, technology and service offerings. My customers have high expectations and so do I. Staying on top of trends and customer demand is key.

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