This client engages in the designing, distributing and retail of athletic apparel and accessories. They have a robust e-commerce business and numerous retail locations worldwide.


The client’s distribution center received into inventory a half-zip shirt with a defective zipper that unzipped past its closure. Internal quality inspections indicated that the garments contained a defective bar-tack that was causing the zipper to go off track. The Quality Auditor for the distribution center approached Dismas with the problem.


The Dismas team presented multiple potential solutions to this problem, considering the various capabilities of their sewing operations. The Dismas seamstresses worked closely with the client to identify the optimal solution to the problem. They would use their bar-tacking machines to add additional stitching across the zipper to keep the mechanism on-track.


Dismas worked collaboratively with the client to find the solution that was in greatest alignment with existing product features. The location of the Dismas sewing facility is within close proximity to the client’s distribution center, which facilitated ongoing input from the customer. In a very timely manner, the project was completed to specifications. Quality inspections by the client indicated that all defects had been corrected. In addition, the client also found that Dismas to be very proactive, collaborative, and communicative, enhancing the customer experience.

“Dismas is our partner and I will always go to them.” – Client

To learn more about our success with our clients in retail, apparel, consumer packaged goods, printing and manufacturing, contact a member of our team today.